Region Africa

Man laying wounded on a hospital bed, indorrs, South Sudan


Conflicts and protracted crisis affect a number of countries on the continent.

Map of regions in africa

Burundi, Kenya, Nairobi, Nigeria, South Sudan, Somalia

Regional snapshot

Conflicts and protracted crisis affect a number of countries on the continent. These humanitarian challenges are often worsened by drought, floods, food insecurity and outbreaks of disease. In Africa, more than 20 million people have been forcibly displaced.

NorCross works closely with Movement partners and supports projects in Burundi, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria.

Datagrafikk pie

In Somalia...

Quality, reliable healthcare for nomads

The importance of health care for pregnant women in Somalia cannot be underestimated. The country’s maternal mortality rate is 829 deaths per 100,000 live births; in Norway that figure is just two. More than 90,000 women and children received vaccinations, nutritional advice and assistance during childbirth at Red Crescent clinics in Puntland.

Icons Somalia
Male nurse amongst Somali women

Regional story – Somalia

In Southern Galguduud, Somali Red Crescent Society mobile clinics are reaching isolated communities with essential healthcare. Ishaaq Moalim, one of the nurses, is a key member of the mobile health team.

Moalim, one of the nurses of the Somali Red Crescent Society mobile health team, registers children for vaccination. © Abdikarim Mohamed/ICRC

Projects – Thematic area


  • Primary and secondary health care to Somali refugees in Dadaab camp. Human Impact: Two Polio vaccination campaigns were successfully conducted in 2019. Both targeted children under 5 and achieved 96% coverage. 
  • Mother and child health and cholera prevention in Mombassa and Laisamis in the north of the country.
Numbers Reached Somalia

In Kenya… 

Hand washing saves lives

NorCross activities are geared towards cholera prevention. Hygiene advice on when and how to use clean water and latrines reached over 72,000 people. Hand washing sessions in schools and rural communities helps prevent the spread of disease.

Icons Kenya
Students in classroom

Preventing disease

“First you have to wet your hands, then you use the soap. After that you scrub five times in each palm, then five times on each surface and five times around the wrist. After this you air dry your hands, instead of drying them on something dirty” –Nicolas (14).

Foto: Mari Mørtvedt/NorCross

Numbers reached by Norcross

Regions where we work

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